ECM Today! brings 30 years of experience to every project and solution. The key to any successful project and to customer satisfaction is a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the current environment and specific needs and requirements. Our analysis of your current documentation and use of that documentation will cover Creation to Archive including how documents are utilized and processed, and the Retrieval and Security requirements for the documents. We will also identify integration points to Accounting, Project Management, and other line of business applications. We address these standard goals for Electronic Content Management:

  • Best practices
  • Procedures for scanning and image processing
  • What metadata to capture
  • Opportunities for eForms and Image workflow
  • Security considerations – Access and Functionality
  • Integration with existing LOB applications
  • ROI and TCO information

In addition, we will provide information and recommendations pertaining to other issues and concerns that are often part of the discovery and analysis process for Electronic Content Management.

Depending on the size of your organization and your goals for an Electronic Document Management system we may be able to provide an Analysis and Assessment either free of charge or as part of a project quote. Click here if you would like more information:

Get more information on Assessment and Analysis.



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