See Our Scanning Solution!

The simplest and safest way to address any lingering concerns or questions about scanning and ECM is to just try it. Send ECM Today! one box of any of your documents, and we’ll show you — start to finish — exactly what our  process entails, at no cost to you. This will be tailored to your exact needs, and we will adjust and reconfigure until you have exactly what you want and answer any questions you may have. If we can’t make you 100% happy with the results, or you just decide that you’re not ready to go digital yet, then there is no cost or obligation on your part to continue. Let ECM Today! show you the quality and reliability of our work!

Give us a try with no obligation!

  • Transferring from paper to digital documents can be daunting and have a lot of questions about the process. To understand our scanning services is to experience it first hand. That’s why ECM Today! is offering a no-cost no-obligation trial.
  • Send us a box of your documents and we will guide you through the process converting paper to digital from start to finish and help you to understand how our scanning services work.
  • We will finalize the transitioning process until your satisfied 100% with no obligation.
  • Providing a Proof of Concept helps our clients and customers understand how ECM Today!  works and how we can help manage and improve your workflow in your business.

See for Yourself!

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